Posts from November 2017

Is Angst About Possible Change to Mortgage Interest and Other Deductions Justified?

November 17, 2017 by Zelman & Associates

Over the last two weeks, committees in the House of Representatives and Senate released tax plan proposals that aimed to lower personal and corporate taxes. On the personal side, while the two proposals have many nuances and variances in how ...

Despite Millennials, the Strongest 20-34 Aged Population Growth in Rearview Mirror

November 03, 2017 by Zelman & Associates

According to the Census Bureau, there were approximately 249 million adults in the United States as of its last population estimates in July 2016. Versus the prior year, growth in the adult population measured slightly less than 0.9%, the weakest ...

As Ownership Rate Inches Higher Again, Consumer Actions Trumping Sentiment

November 03, 2017 by Zelman & Associates

Several months ago, we wrote an analysis titled “Will This Halt the ‘Renter Nation’ War Cries?” after 2Q17 homeownership rates were published in the Housing Vacancies and Homeownership Survey (HVS) by the Census Bureau ...

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Questions Arise as Residential Investment in GDP Hits Softest Growth Since 2Q11

November 03, 2017 by Zelman & Associates

Last week, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released its preliminary estimate of 3Q17 GDP growth. As measured directly, investment in residential structures is on pace to average approximately $730 billion this year, accounting for almost ...

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macro housing