Posts from July 2018

Young Adult Homeownership Rises Again and We’re Optimistic it is Just the Start

July 27, 2018 by Zelman & Associates

According to data just released by the Census Bureau, the national homeownership rate continued its cyclical recovery, averaging 64.3% in 2Q18. This is 60 basis points stronger than in 2Q17, marking the sixth consecutive quarter that year-over-year ...

Real Estate is Local, but the Macro Can Make or Break Your Business

July 13, 2018 by Zelman & Associates

All real estate is local. That is a truism rarely doubted. It is often meant to convey that location matters more than most else and can often overcome other challenges. Taken further, many housing market executives spend an exorbitant amount ...

2018 Economic Activity on Pace for Biggest Upside Surprise This Cycle

July 13, 2018 by Zelman & Associates

Economists have the unenviable task of predicting the future across a wide host of sectors, handicapping international and political influences along the way. The crystal ball requirement obviously leaves the profession with a mixed track record ...

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Filed Under
macro housing

Don’t Let Fiction Override Facts When it Comes to Millennials, Births and Housing

July 13, 2018 by Zelman & Associates

In late May, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released preliminary 2017 birth data. The totals were surprisingly weak after six years of strength among key age cohorts. Naturally, the weakness spurred numerous ...